Please encourage your child to aim for 100% attendance. If your child is ill, or if there is some other reason why he/she cannot attend, please inform the academy by telephone in the morning of each day of absence.
Medical/Dental Appointments
Please ensure your child brings an appointment card or a letter from you to show his/her tutor on the morning of the appointment.
Students should arrive in school no earlier than 0810 and no later than 0830. The library is open for independent work.
End of Day
Students should leave the school site not later than 1500 unless they are attending a sports club or taking part in an organised activity. Please make sure you know how and at what time your child is travelling home each day.
If it is absolutely necessary for you to organise holidays during term time, please complete a holiday form at least 14 days in advance. Holiday forms are available from the Pupil Support office.
If your child is on medication, this should be left at the school office at the start of the day. Please ensure that dosage instructions are provided. We are unable to administer any drugs, but we will endeavour to make sure your child takes his/her medication at the right times.
Personal Property
Every item of clothing and all other possessions should be clearly marked with the student's name if possible.
At breaktime (1045 - 1105) lunchtime (1200 - 1240) students in years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 should be on the Academy site. If you wish for your son or daughter to go home for lunch, please can you provide a letter to the academy, addressed to Assistant Headteacher.
Contact Details
If your child is taken ill during the day and our first aiders consider that he/she needs to go home or to hospital we will contact you. Please ensure that a current contact number is written in the space provided at the front of the planner.