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Trust Vision and Academy Charter

Priory Federation of Academies Trust Vision

1. To develop successful Trust hubs in the wider Lincoln and Grantham areas that offer high quality:
• Special, Primary and Secondary education
• Post-16 programmes and apprenticeships
• Initial Teacher Training and Teaching School provision.

2. To use the Maximising Performance programme to focus the Trust's strategies on improving the quality of education.

3. To  have a clear and transparent governance structure that supports the objects of the Trust.

4. To use the Maximising Effectiveness programme to provide high quality career-stage professional development for all staff.

5. To provide expert central services offering appropriate and professional support through effective and sustainable relationships.

6. To use the Maximising Learning programme to monitor and improve teaching, learning, assessment and the curriculum.

7. To deliver a Priory Values programme of cultural, community, health, sporting and leadership events across the Trust.

8. To develop a Priory Baccalaureate award that:
• Rewards pupils who embody the values of the Trust
• Recognises all that is good about a pupil
• Provides access to well-considered and highly regarded accreditation at each phase.

9. To ensure that all pupils, including the most vulnerable:
• Achieve in line with or above expectations
• Attend in line with or above national levels
• Progress successfully on to the next stage of their lives.

10. To be a first-choice destination for families, pupils and staff.

Priory Lincoln Academy Charter

The Priory Lincoln Academy welcomes the opportunity to be an equal and valued partner within the Priory Federation of Academies Trust, and sees its success measured in the achievement of its own targets and in the achievements of the Trust as a whole.

 We aim to contribute to the overall success of the Trust by:

1.      Pursuing a collective view of success – we are only successful if we are all successful.

2.      Providing appropriate educational opportunities for all students.

3.      Developing systems and areas of expertise across the Trust.

4.      Taking a Trust-wide approach to the recruitment, retention and development of high quality staff.

5.      Championing our commitment to the Federation.

In order to ensure the continued success of Priory Lincoln Academy, we aim to:

1.    Stretch and challenge students at all levels of ability to facilitate progress that betters the national average.

2.    Retain, recognise and reward outstanding staff at all levels.

3.    Continue to develop a curriculum that is engaging and relevant to the future of our students.

4.    Maintain an outstanding, disciplined learning environment and further embed Lincoln’s Expectations and Values.

5.   Ensure there are opportunities for students to develop their awareness of national and global issues, that will shape their future and help them to become Global Citizens.

6.    Give every student the skills, knowledge and inspiration to make informed decisions about their future career choice(s).

7.  As part of the Priory Sixth Form, offer an outstanding Sixth Form, which includes teaching, resources and physical environment.

8.    Promote a positive learning environment through celebrating success

9.    Constantly seek the views of all partners, including students, parents and staff.

10.  Create a generation of youngsters who have been able to develop life skills such as creativity, self-discipline, confidence, the ability to communicate and work in a team.