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Global Citizenship including Relationships, Sex and Health Education

The Academy's overarching curriculum intent is to improve the life chances of our students so they become true citizens of the world, who are well-placed to pursue a life of their own choosing.  We are passionate about enabling our learners to achieve individual excellence, through a strong academic curriculum underpinned by our Academy values.  This, along with our commitment to personal development, equips our learners with the skills, knowledge and experience to become independent global citizens in the modern world.

Our Personal Development curriculum enables our students to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically confident adults who make healthy, responsible and safe decisions throughout their lives.  Our learners develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives now and in the future in an ever-changing and complex world.

Implementation - Content

Personal Development includes a student’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education; understanding of British Values; Citizenship; Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE); Living in the Wider World (including Careers) and Health and Wellbeing.

  • Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Through their learning of diverse relationships, students become well-placed to manage change and influences within their home, community and the wider world. Students develop an understanding of how to be respectful, understanding a range of perspectives and beliefs. They learn about how to recognise healthy and unhealthy relationships, emphasising the importance of consent in a range of different circumstances, including online. Students learn about the benefits of having healthy relationships to their mental wellbeing and self-respect. Subsequently, our young people are prepared with the knowledge of how to manage changes in their relationships, both positive and negative, and where to seek help and support if required. Students are taught the facts and the law about sex, sexuality, sexual health and gender identity to enable them to develop safe, fulfilling and healthy sexual relationships at the appropriate time. They are able to recognise and respond appropriately to harmful behaviours in intimate relationships, including coercive and controlling behaviour. Lessons utilise “Life Lessons” with any wider content sought from PSHE Association. For the RSHE curriculum please see document below.

  • Health and Wellbeing

Students are taught how to make informed and positive choices for themselves in order to protect their own health and wellbeing.  They learn how to adopt a positive wellbeing, both physically and mentally, and are equipped with strategies to maintain this throughout their life. As students experience more independent scenarios, they learn how to manage influences and make informed decisions to keep themselves safe and healthy. Students are equipped with the strategies and skills to respond appropriately following their decision-making, acting in an informed, responsible manner within the law.

  • Careers and the Wider World

Lincoln Academy is committed to providing a Career Education and Guidance programme that develops the skills, knowledge and attitudes our students need for a positive career of their choice as recommended by the CDI Career Development Framework. Students develop their understanding of their own skills and attributes and how these can positively impact their choice of career. Through the subject curriculum, Personal Development days and lessons and tutorials, students enhance their knowledge of career pathways and how to access them. Our World of Work day allows students to have interactions with a range of employers and post-16 options to allow them to make an informed choice about their future.  Further information can be found on our website here.

  • Online Safety

The Online Safety strand of our Extended Personal Development Programme aims to provide students with the tools to explore the online world safely and productively. Students learn about some of the dangers the Internet may present, such as fake news, scams, radicalisation and other harmful content. Students develop an understanding of how to recognise harmful content and where to seek support. Students also develop an awareness of how to use online platforms in a productive manner and develop their own personal brand to support their journey into later life. Online safety is also supported in the computing subject curriculum.

  • Modern British Values and SMSC

We ensure the Academy promotes the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs; and to encourage students to respect other people, with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010. Students are taught understanding of democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Students learn about the values in Personal Development, assemblies and Extended Personal Development lessons. The subject and wider curriculum also promotes British Values and SMSC development. Further information can be found on our website here.  

Implementation – Delivery

Personal Development is at the heart of all we do at Lincoln Academy and is delivered through:

Personal Development – tutor led SMSC and British Value sessions aim to encourage student reflection to support them to have the knowledge and skills to prosper in life in Modern Britain, and to promote their social, emotional and health development. These include specific year group activities bespoke to the students’ needs, so they are better able to navigate situations and choices with clarity, consideration for themselves and others and future to their own morals and values.

  • It provides students with an understanding of democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
  • Opportunities for students to discuss various topics based around a debate question linked to their weekly reading encourages active citizens that will contribute to society. 
  • Year assemblies – delivered in tutorial time to year groups supporting SMSC activities and Extended Personal Development lessons.
  • Extended Personal Development lessons - delivered bi-weekly by tutors, students learn about Sex and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Careers.
  • Personal Development days – a full day off timetable which supports the Extended Personal Development lessons focussing about Sex and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Careers.   
  • Curriculum – where appropriate RSHE topics are covered directly through our curriculum areas, such as science, computing, world views and physical education. SMSC and British Values are also woven into the curriculum across the academy.
  • Visiting speakers – specialist people deliver sessions to students either as a-yearly group assembly or tutor groups on a variety of topics, such as online safety, drug awareness, HIV awareness etc.

Further opportunities to enhance students' personal development include:

  • Student council
  • Enrichment programme
  • External visits
  • Lincoln Passport
  • Fundraising and charity work
  • Inter-school fixtures
  • House activities
  • Work experience

For further information to support student’s wellbeing click here. 

Link to policies (please click on links below) 

Safeguarding and Child Protection 
Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy - Students 
Relationships and Sex Education Policy 
Student Wellbeing Policy 
Careers Guidance Policy 
SEND Policy 

Consultation and Opt-Out 

Parents and carers can choose to remove their child from RSHE sessions should they wish. These children are offered alternative lessons instead.  The RSHE Lead is Miss E Jorden. 

For the RSHE curriculum please see document below.